- 下一篇 2023了,实验员月薪能有多少?
- 上一篇 轻松搞懂质谱涡轮分子泵的工作原理!
二噁英 说:1 直接访问2879 699 541 5…
二噁英 说:
二噁英 说:
二噁英 说:
- 使用具有增效离子源(BEIS)的三重四极质谱仪(MS/MS)对食品中二恶英的超低水平分析
- 全氟和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)总量的综合测定方法
- 实验室危险化学品管理!附最新易制毒、易制爆、剧毒化学品目录
- 津冀鲁豫垃圾焚烧纷纷提标,北京呢?
- 科普|垃圾焚烧飞灰6问6答
- 欧盟大幅度降低食品中二恶英和多氯联苯摄入量耐受限
- 地表水中全氟及多氟烷基化合物靶向、疑似和非靶向筛查及风险评估
- 关注垃圾焚烧新法规,岛津助力二噁英分析
- 法国土地应用的生物固体、堆肥和其他有机废弃物中PFAS的靶向与非靶向筛查
- 浅谈二噁英类环境空气/废气采样 II
- 二噁英监测新规《生活垃圾焚烧污染控制标准》修改单发布
- T/CSES 37-2021-二噁英类环境健康风险评估技术规范
- 消费者怒了,海天也怒了
- 美国PFAS去除技术
- 探讨 | 垃圾焚烧发电厂飞灰无害化处理的探讨
- 中国先进生活垃圾焚烧系统全流程二噁英的分配与平衡
- 新罕布什尔州出生队列母体血浆和母乳中全氟及多氟烷基化合物
- Analytical Chemistry l 合肥研究院会员提出一种质谱仪离子高效传输的静电场离子漏斗聚焦新技术
- 用微波萃取克服二恶英萃取中的记忆效应
- 你以为的美国的垃圾焚烧,其真实情况是这样的
- 二恶英排放限值改为 0.01ng/m³ 又如何,环境质量还是会超标
- 欧盟将更新食品中二噁英和二恶英类多氯联苯的限值管理
- 余刚教授谈我国二噁英减排控制:防控成效初显,未来任重道远
- Updated Mini-Review on Polychlorinated Diphenyl Ethers (PCDEs) in Food: Levels and Dietary Intake 2025-01-29Polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDEs) are a class of […]Jose L Domingo
- Potential emission risks of organic compounds from cement kilns 2025-01-26The extensive application of cement kiln industry resul […]Changzhi Chen
- Utilization of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash with different pretreatments with gold tailings and coal fly ash for environmentally friendly geopolymers 2025-01-25Municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MSWIFA) is […]Ke Li
- The overestimated risks for imported waste paper: Based on grey interval multi-criteria decision making under uncertainties 2025-01-18China has prohibited the imported waste paper (IWP) fro […]Dejin Liu
- Gasification-MILD combustion technology with ash-sludge recirculation for reducing multi-phase net dioxin discharges from a waste incineration 2025-01-17This study addresses the challenge of reducing "net" to […]Sheng-Lun Lin
- Association between dietary intake estimated levels of PCDD/Fs and human sperm quality 2025-01-11This study aimed to investigate the association between […]María Ángeles Martínez
- Historical inventories and future scenarios of multiple hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) emissions from the iron and steel production industry in China 2024-12-21Iron and steel production (ISP) is one of significant a […]Junqi Yang
- Sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and -furans to sediment in the Newtown Creek Superfund Site 2024-12-13Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and -furans (PCDD/Fs) […]Mahdi Chitsaz