二噁英 说:1 直接访问2879 699 541 5…
二噁英 说:
二噁英 说:
二噁英 说:
- 使用具有增效离子源(BEIS)的三重四极质谱仪(MS/MS)对食品中二恶英的超低水平分析
- 全氟和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)总量的综合测定方法
- 实验室危险化学品管理!附最新易制毒、易制爆、剧毒化学品目录
- 一座难以不邻避的垃圾焚烧厂——海口澄迈篇
- 收藏!实验室检测现场7S管理细则!
- 二恶英在线长期采样监测系统
- 关注 | 公众聚焦垃圾发电厂二噁英排放问题 生态环境部回应:每年都会有企业被处罚!完全能做到和谐相处
- 婴儿奶粉有害物:德国15款被污染,中国13款含二噁英
- 韩国沿海水域鲸类体内极性和中等极性AhR激动剂的识别:效应导向分析和全扫描筛查
- 欧洲食安局:二噁英类物质容许摄入量应大大降低
- GB/T 9722-2023《化学试剂 气相色谱法通则》
- 山东:钢铁工业大气污染物排放标准(二次征求意见稿)
- 垃圾分类要由易到难,由简到繁,由粗到细
- 关注垃圾焚烧新法规,岛津助力二噁英分析
- 垃圾焚烧行业的框架分析
- 华测、谱尼、国检等10家检测机构2022业绩预告盘点
- 中国先进生活垃圾焚烧系统全流程二噁英的分配与平衡
- 生活垃圾焚烧发电厂二噁英防治对策探讨
- 硬核代表“取消垃圾发电补贴”提案刷屏 垃圾焚烧发电厂的补贴帐得好好算算!
- 二恶英排放限值改为 0.01ng/m³ 又如何,环境质量还是会超标
- 《有机高分辨扇形磁场质谱仪校准规范》JJF1930-2021 下载
- 再生塑料制成的儿童产品中检出高浓度溴化二恶英
- 环境保护部环境监测司负责人就《环境二噁英类监测技术规范》国家环境保护标准有关问题答记者问
- Updated Mini-Review on Polychlorinated Diphenyl Ethers (PCDEs) in Food: Levels and Dietary Intake 2025-01-29Polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDEs) are a class of […]Jose L Domingo
- Potential emission risks of organic compounds from cement kilns 2025-01-26The extensive application of cement kiln industry resul […]Changzhi Chen
- Utilization of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash with different pretreatments with gold tailings and coal fly ash for environmentally friendly geopolymers 2025-01-25Municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MSWIFA) is […]Ke Li
- The overestimated risks for imported waste paper: Based on grey interval multi-criteria decision making under uncertainties 2025-01-18China has prohibited the imported waste paper (IWP) fro […]Dejin Liu
- Gasification-MILD combustion technology with ash-sludge recirculation for reducing multi-phase net dioxin discharges from a waste incineration 2025-01-17This study addresses the challenge of reducing "net" to […]Sheng-Lun Lin
- Association between dietary intake estimated levels of PCDD/Fs and human sperm quality 2025-01-11This study aimed to investigate the association between […]María Ángeles Martínez
- Historical inventories and future scenarios of multiple hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) emissions from the iron and steel production industry in China 2024-12-21Iron and steel production (ISP) is one of significant a […]Junqi Yang
- Sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and -furans to sediment in the Newtown Creek Superfund Site 2024-12-13Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and -furans (PCDD/Fs) […]Mahdi Chitsaz