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二噁英 说:
二噁英 说:
二噁英 说:
- 使用具有增效离子源(BEIS)的三重四极质谱仪(MS/MS)对食品中二恶英的超低水平分析
- 全氟和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)总量的综合测定方法
- 实验室危险化学品管理!附最新易制毒、易制爆、剧毒化学品目录
- 美国PFAS去除技术
- 受水成膜泡沫(AFFF)污染地区牛体内的新型PFAS
- 科学认识垃圾焚烧与二恶英的关系
- 婴儿服装中多氯联苯(PCBs)的健康风险评估。初步研究
- 2023了,实验员月薪能有多少?
- 重磅发布|2023 Science年度十大科学突破
- 江汉大学持久性有毒污染物研究团队EST|土壤经强氧化性酸消解过程意外产生二恶英
- 刨根|微塑料真有“入脑嚼髓”那么可怕?真相也许与你想象的相差甚远
- 再谈二噁英——GC-MS/MS方法篇
- Instructions for Supelco Multi-Layer Silica Gel Column and Dual-Layer Carbon Reversible Column
- 【论文】基于复杂地形-气象场的二噁英污染物沉降研究
- 毛达:生活垃圾焚烧厂二噁英信息公开率极低
- 土壤样本检测显示:美国“毒火车”现场二噁英严重超标
- 垃圾焚烧能避免二恶英吗
- 宽纵填埋轻焚烧,美国垃圾二恶英排放超中国四倍
- 欧盟将垃圾焚烧排除在了可持续的经济活动之外
- 生活垃圾焚烧发电厂二噁英防治对策探讨
- 垃圾焚烧变身二噁英“消减器”?以偏概全罢了
- 全氟烷基膦酸诱导鲤鱼性别和化学特异性肝毒性的机制
- 在二噁英污染防治的议题上,“小不代表不重要”
- The development of a novel, green, efficient, and eco-friendly GC-MS/MS analytical method for the reliable and rapid determination of dl-PCBs, and PCDD/Fs using hydrogen as a carrier gas and a modified ion source 2024-11-10The polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs) […]Kartal Çetintürk
- PFAS, PCBs, PCDD/Fs, PAHs and extractable organic fluorine in bio-based fertilizers, amended soils and plants: Exposure assessment and temporal trends 2024-11-06Bio-based fertilizers (BBFs) produced from organic wast […]Nicolas Estoppey
- Characterizing persistent organic pollutants in seawater at a multifunctional international harbor influenced by industrial riverbank activities 2024-11-03The objective of this study is to comprehensively chara […]Fefi Eka Wardiani
- E-waste in the environment: Unveiling the sources, carcinogenic links, and sustainable management strategies 2024-11-03E-waste refers to the electrical and electronic equipme […]Md Abdullah
- Health risks and sources of PCDD/Fs and PCBs residue in cultured crabs 2024-10-20The Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) holds sign […]Ying Han
- Free-radical triggered formation of dioxins from 2-chlorophenol pyrolysis investigated by synchrotron radiation photoionization mass spectrometry 2024-10-13Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDD/F […]Ming-Gao Xu
- Dietary exposure to metals/metalloids and persistent organic pollutants in Spanish preschool and primary school children 2024-10-05Diet is a primary source of pollutant exposure. Given c […]Nerea Becerra-Tomás
- A review of advanced bioremediation technologies for dioxin-contaminated soil treatment: Current and future outlook 2024-09-25Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and polychlori […]Huu-Tuan Tran