二噁英 说:1 直接访问2879 699 541 5…
二噁英 说:
二噁英 说:
二噁英 说:
- 使用具有增效离子源(BEIS)的三重四极质谱仪(MS/MS)对食品中二恶英的超低水平分析
- 全氟和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)总量的综合测定方法
- 实验室危险化学品管理!附最新易制毒、易制爆、剧毒化学品目录
- 全氟烷基膦酸诱导鲤鱼性别和化学特异性肝毒性的机制
- 中国膳食中多氯萘的分析及人体暴露风险评估
- 轻松搞懂质谱涡轮分子泵的工作原理!
- 干货|给你一份北京垃圾站地图,买房要避开
- 垃圾分类可以替代焚烧吗?
- SPC判异规则系列一:1个点远离3倍标准差 的概率和原因
- 谣言粉碎机:二噁英的锅,我不背
- 美国PFAS去除技术
- 实验室管理中如何用好质量控制图?
- 二噁英监测新规《生活垃圾焚烧污染控制标准》修改单发布
- 用微波萃取克服二恶英萃取中的记忆效应
- 华测、谱尼、国检等10家检测机构2022业绩预告盘点
- 中国先进生活垃圾焚烧系统全流程二噁英的分配与平衡
- 要让垃圾焚烧厂的烟囱不冒烟其实是个手艺活儿,非常难 | 高海鸣 一席with阿里云
- 海外译文·改进饲料中二恶英的分析
- 二恶英进入《优先控制化学品名录(第二批)》征求意见稿
- 上海,还需要新建垃圾焚烧厂吗?
- 科学认识垃圾焚烧与二恶英的关系
- 环境监测指导价来了!土壤45项4000元起/样,高了还是低了?
- 《生活垃圾焚烧电厂二恶英污染防治技术规范》《生活垃圾焚烧电厂氮氧化物污染防治技术规范》两项团体标准制定工作第一次座谈会顺利召开
- Sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and -furans to sediment in the Newtown Creek Superfund Site 2024-12-13Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and -furans (PCDD/Fs) […]Mahdi Chitsaz
- Insights into closed-wet ultrasonic carbonation of MSWI fly ash: Carbon sequestration, heavy metals stabilization, and PCDD/Fs migration and degradation 2024-12-13This study proposed a novel closed-wet accelerated carb […]Jie Chen
- Polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxin/furan and polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations in the human milk of individuals living near municipal waste incinerators in the UK: Findings from the Breast milk, Environment, Early-life, and Development (BEED) human biomonitoring study 2024-12-10The objective of this study is to report recent PCDD/F […]Ruth E Parsons
- Experimental study and mechanism analysis of high-efficiency adsorption of PCDD/Fs on N-doped hierarchical porous biochar 2024-12-06Adsorption removal of PCDD/Fs from flue gas is one of t […]Hongxian Li
- Enrichment of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Microplastics from Coastal Waters 2024-12-04Despite the adsorption of microplastics (MPs), the prec […]Lin-Chi Wang
- Spatial distributions and source identification of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in soils and pine needles in the multi-industrial city of Ulsan, South Korea 2024-12-01The spatial distribution and contamination patterns of […]Hye-Kyung Cho
- Effects of industrial solid waste on the generation of PCDD/Fs, dl-PCBs and PAHs tuned by waste pseudo-components during engineering co-combustion 2024-11-27Co-combustion of municipal solid waste (MSW) with indus […]Jing Meng
- Investigation of the effect of chlorine in different additives on dioxin formation during high temperature processing of iron ore 2024-11-27Ironmaking can have an important role in the circular e […]Vladimir Strezov